Vibrating with Anticipation
Bush and Cheney are vibrating with anticipation over bombing Iran. They are SO excited about it. They want it sooooo bad - it's the only thing that really seems to animate them anymore. They feel their administrations clock ticking and want to give birth to this last bit of profitable death and mayhem before their time is up.
You can see it in their eyes, read it in their faces. It is the last dream, the last really, really big, underlined in red, "must do" thing that was on their list when their placement in office was engineered. Sure, gutting Social Security would be nice. Destroying the domestic sphere is always a goal for them, but the last big, big goal that they had was to start a war with Iran.
I'm sure they will do all they can to start a war, or, as is delicatley put these days a "conflict" with Iran before they leave office. They are trying to provoke a fight, waving flags of aggression and annoyance at Iran, trying to get them to do something that will be perceived as an "attack" or "too aggressive" so they can grab onto it and use it as a premise for their own much anticipated aggression.
But we all know this. If you are reading this, you probably mostly agree with my premise already. So why are they so excited? Why do they want this so badly, especially seeing how things turned out for them in Iraq? Is it just that this is the plan as laid out by the New American Century group in the 90's, and they are just doggedly sticking to it no matter what? It rather seems that way.
Maybe they think that Iraq isn't working because they haven't gone far enough। Their plan always was to change Iran too, after all. Originally, Irans theocracy was supposed to melt away by the brilliance of the stable capitalist democracy to its east. Well as they say, that ain't gonna happen. The army got bogged down on its sweep to Tehran in a little city called Baghdad.
This administration hopes that they can bestow one more gift on us, and particularly on the next administration - a three-front war, all decked out in red and green. This is what still animates them. This is what makes them vibrate.
One more possibility - maybe Iraq is going as well as they'd hoped. After all, there is a lot of money to be made by the right people with the right friends from this enterprise. Create chaos, then exploit it. Its a good business model.
After all, this president said he'd run the country more like a business. Of course, he was thinking of Enron. And in that regard, he as been wildly successful.
You can see it in their eyes, read it in their faces. It is the last dream, the last really, really big, underlined in red, "must do" thing that was on their list when their placement in office was engineered. Sure, gutting Social Security would be nice. Destroying the domestic sphere is always a goal for them, but the last big, big goal that they had was to start a war with Iran.
I'm sure they will do all they can to start a war, or, as is delicatley put these days a "conflict" with Iran before they leave office. They are trying to provoke a fight, waving flags of aggression and annoyance at Iran, trying to get them to do something that will be perceived as an "attack" or "too aggressive" so they can grab onto it and use it as a premise for their own much anticipated aggression.
But we all know this. If you are reading this, you probably mostly agree with my premise already. So why are they so excited? Why do they want this so badly, especially seeing how things turned out for them in Iraq? Is it just that this is the plan as laid out by the New American Century group in the 90's, and they are just doggedly sticking to it no matter what? It rather seems that way.
Maybe they think that Iraq isn't working because they haven't gone far enough। Their plan always was to change Iran too, after all. Originally, Irans theocracy was supposed to melt away by the brilliance of the stable capitalist democracy to its east. Well as they say, that ain't gonna happen. The army got bogged down on its sweep to Tehran in a little city called Baghdad.
This administration hopes that they can bestow one more gift on us, and particularly on the next administration - a three-front war, all decked out in red and green. This is what still animates them. This is what makes them vibrate.
One more possibility - maybe Iraq is going as well as they'd hoped. After all, there is a lot of money to be made by the right people with the right friends from this enterprise. Create chaos, then exploit it. Its a good business model.
After all, this president said he'd run the country more like a business. Of course, he was thinking of Enron. And in that regard, he as been wildly successful.